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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bennington Historical Society Opening Museum

     We are excited to let you know that the Bennington Historical Society has a space to start a small museum. Bob an Jan McKelevie have been kind enough to offer us the ajoining space in his building located just up the street from the Sportsman Bar.
     We are planning on being open for the weekend of Bennington Daze and a couple of hours a week after that.
      The exibits are in the works and some wonderful photos of Bennington from the  begining. So please come and bring your family and friends and see how our families got started in this small town!

                                   Looking forward to seeing  you there!!

Historical Society's Own Antiques Road Show!

    On April 3rd the BHS held our own mini Antiques Road show. Around 40 people showed up to show off their treasures. It was interesting to see the things that were either passed down in families or that people like to collect. Here are just a few.
     Our expert was Jeff Spencer who has been working in the antique business for 40 

Jeff  holding a powder horn brought by Gordon Mueller

Diane and Jeff showing off a beautiful croquet doily

Bob doesn't need a bank to count his money. He came prepared with his own coin counter!

A woven navy blue and cream blanket from Bill Bohn that has been in his family for over 100 years.

 The show ran from 6:30 until around 9pm and it appeared that every one was pleased with the estimates they got on their things. I know I was.
We are planning on  having another one in the fall and would love to see an even bigger turnout .