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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Johnson Photos

The Johnson Family donated some century old photos of Bennington to the Society the other day.  Many are new and quite exciting because they provide us more information about our Community a century ago.  Here are a few of them, enjoy:

Witte Hardware Store, Bennington, NE  ca. 1915
 The Witte Hardware store still survives today.  It was built in 1888 and is located on the northwest corner of South 2nd and Stark streets.  The building supported various hardware businesses for nearly 90 years.  Today, the west wing houses our museum.

Bennington Royal Neighbor Drill Team,  1910

The next set of images were shot around Papio Creek activities. The creek furnished power to the grist mill to grind grain to make flour and meal.  During the winters, Ice was harvested and stored in ice houses for use in the summer.  It also provided recreational opportunities.
Boating on the Papio Creek near 156th Street Bridge.  ca 1917

Boating in the flood waters of the Papio Creek  ca. 1917
Prior to the 1930s when the Corp of Engineers deepen and straightened the creek; it was prone to major flooding.  Information along with the photos suggested this might have been C.W. Haden who was boating in flood waters west of town.  His location is in Nancy Neumeyer's field, located south of the soccer fields from Johns/Bohn Park.  Bennington can be seen in the background. 

Ice Skating on the Old Mill Pond at Bennington, NE

The Papio Creek offered folks a place to ice skate.  These ladies are located on the old mill pond.  The old ice house is located in the background.  Ice was cut into blocks and slid up the ice shoot and stored in the ice house until needed during summer.  

Ice skating on the Papio Creek, Bennington, NE